Millions Time Travel.

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Well folks, it's 2015! According to Back To the Future, many of us are driving flying cars, kids are playing on the streets with hover boards and Mr. Fusion is a small thermal reactor available for sale at Costco. It looks like we are a bit behind on this prediction. I sure would like to have one of those coats that adjusts to your size, drys itself instantly if you get wet. Oh and how about that weather control? Rain at exactly 2:15 for 10 minutes? And how about lawyers? There aren't any! It is a fast track justice system where you can be tried and convicted in a very short time. And don't forget that homes have 100 inch television sets with fax machines everywhere. And did you catch the pizza that rehydrates in minutes? Wow, I could go for one of those.

Is there a favorite life in the future prediction that you recall?


About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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