Misinterpretation On Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day

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Misinterpretation On Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day

Halloween is over. But here in bitlanders, It’s extended. Halloween today is not interpreted as the old days. In fact many of us miss the true meaning of this occasion. I remember when I visit my brother last October 31. My nephews particularly watching television and that time, they are just playing board games and others are playing using their phones and tablets. I asked my brother the reason. He said that they are all scared because during this season, all of the shows in the television are all thriller, horror and scary. They are scared to watch television. Here’s where my real point will enter. During Halloween, many wears creepy costumes and everybody are scaring each other. I asked my self, “Why?” It is not supposed to be like this. The word “Hallow” means holy, holy person or a saint. “Holy” means dedicated or consecrated to God. Are we supposed to be scared to those who are holy? Instead of wearing creepy costumes, we should wear clothes or costumes wore by the holy ones like our saints. We should remember and portrait to our selves the good attitude and closeness to God. It is really a big misconception and bad teachings to others on how they view the Halloween these days. On the other hand, it is fun because of the cute costumes and happy evens like “Trick or Treat” but is not supposed to be like this.

Halloween Costume Sample

 Saint or Holy Costume Sample


Here in the Philippines, during November 1st, everybody are busy visiting their love ones who already past away. It is a reminder that even once a year to visit the grave of their love ones. But as years go on, this holiday became only as reunion and past time for others. Other’s just go to cemetery to have picnic, play cards, gossip and just roam around. They don’t even pray first for their love ones who already past away. And remember, November 1st is all saints day. As I said earlier, this occasion is for the holy ones. At least, lets act and behave as one as a respect to our dead love ones.

"Photo shot in Magalang Memorial Cemetery"

November 2nd is celebrated as “All Souls Day” here in the Philippines. Others misinterpreted this day as the day of the departed or day of those who already past away. Who are those who have souls anyway? Even those who are still alive have souls. Meaning, this day is for all of us. It is an occasion for all of us who have souls. It is a reminder of the love of God for all of us that even though we’re just this small, He gave us souls. He gave us life. Our life is just a gift that’s why we don’t have the rights to ruin it and end it. It is still on God’s will.

I hope I had opened each other’s mind for this misinterpretation of these occasions. Again, happy Halloween to all of you guys! Happy to become holy not just this season but for the rest of your lives.

About the author


I'm Rod. I'm a Broadcast Engineer. I'm also a musician, composer and arranger of Kapampangan Liturgical Music. I love to write blogs related to the reality of life. I'm also an avid NBA fan and basketball blogger.

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