misuse of internet

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We all know of scientifically proven bad effects of porn films. They tear families apart, objectify women and pollute children's minds. It is used to promote all kinds of perversions and to control the masses' sexual preferences. Huge numbers of women are enslaved and exploited, and even children aren't spared. 

I believe internet porn should be illegal just as prostitution. I also agree that if someone wants porn that they should go and buy it. Why put it all over the internet? Its ridiculous how much is on the internet. Our children are at risk of seeing it on the internet and giving them the wrong idea about what love and sex really means.. Its also causing relationship problems, jealousy, insecurity in some woman feel like they arent good enough for their partner. Internet porn should be banned so that it doesnt keep destroying our lives and relationships and teaching our children its ok to have sex with multiple partners and make money doing it. The boys grow up thinking that is how you treat a woman and that woman are just objects...Porn should be banned on the internet period. I hope that it happens very soon because there is way too much on the internet! Its discusting the way there is so much and easily accessed! Remember there are adult stores people. The internet wasnt made for porn.It ruins the male image of femininity, it trains men to look at women as sexual objects, it saps motivation, and I suspect white slavery and human trafficking plays a larger role in its production than many would suspect. Its a moral evil and amounts to nothing more than sanctioned prostitution. The idea that its a form of free speech is just double speak.If the couple is married, it is forbidden to watch it. If they are not married then they are doing a sin and we do not want to promote sinning. The sex acts are the most private things that a person does. Sex is a big blessing from GOD if done right, within marriage and not filmed and distributed.It is destroying relationships and making lots of woman feel insecure and jealous and i feel let the perverts go to an adult store and buy it so the poor children dont have to see that discusting stuff. Its wrong and god did not intend it to be made. It may as well be legal prostitution and it is destroying sll my relationships! Woman feel they have to compete and its impossible. Makes men want to cheat because in my eyes it is cheating. Get rid of it. Woman who were molested or raped as children have a hard time dealing with that stuff and when their men want to view other pwople having sex it makes you feel that you arent enough for them and it cheapens sex.

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