Modern Slavery In America (Part 2)

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Progressive Labor Party is a transnational communist party that is mainly based in America. Recently, this party has stated that more and more private industries and firms are taking prisoners as employees to work for them at low wages. These are the people who are putting pressure on the government to extend the punishment terms so there could be an increase in workforce. The party further stated that the today's American jail industry is no better than the Nazi Concentration Camps.

According to an American N.G.O., Left Business Observer, the inmates behind bars in American jails are The people who produce 100% of the equipment and stuff American military needs, including helmets, boots, belts, bullet proof jackets, ID badges, shirts, pants, and bags etc.

Beside military services, these inmates also provide the American market with 98% assembly services, 93% paint and paint brushes, 92% home utensils, 36% home appliances , 30% headphones, speakers and microphones, and 21% office furniture. Even the guide dogs for the blind people are trained by these prisoners.

Some Human Rights parties say that giving long-term sentences for petty crimes is the main reason that American industry of jails is so flourishing. For example if a citizen get caught with 5 grams of Crack (a type of Cocaine), he can get sentenced for the possession of drugs, up to 5 years. And If someone get caught with less than 2 ounces of Lock Cocaine (another type of cocaine), he might get sentenced for up to 10 years. But If someone get caught with 500 grams of Cocaine, he also get sentenced for only 5 years.
The thing that must be known here is that the only rich or upper middle class people use the Cocaine, while poor people who are mostly Arabs, Blacks and Hispanics use Lock Cocaine. So we can say that American judicial system is an enemy of poor people that rich people get low sentences as compared with the poor people for the same crime.
It is also an interesting fact to know that, in more than 13 states of America, there is a law that says that If a person has sentenced to prison twice before then the third will be his last and he will be sentenced to the life imprisonment, does not matter how petty the crimes he committed are.


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