My All Time Love... AVRIL LAVIGNE

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You know... I'm probably old about this but still off my 28 years I'd been inlove with Avril Lavigne for about 18Years now... So proud of it..

So let me ask you what Year when you Started to LIKE HER...? How old are you then...?

My Favorite ALBUM is... Well are all of it... Nothings gonna compare her... Sorry... But not even Taylor Swift :D

This ALBUM is so WACK!!! I mean GREAT!!! My first copy of this Album was a Cassette tape... :D due to alot of going on I screw the tape and its all gone... Good thing technology one of these days really great that everytime you wanna go back to the old days. All you have to do is download everything up to your smartphones... GREAT!!1

Most Rock Album for me will Be UNDER MY SKIN...

it has all the hard shady thing theme... And most dramatic of all her written songs there were :D

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