My daughter got Impetigo

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My daughter Sam who is 3 years old has Impetigo. I suspected that she is experiencing a bacterial skin infection when I noticed vesicles with fluid in her face and red spots rapidly appearing in her cheeks, chin and one in her neck.

Impetigo is a serious skin disease especially for children because their immune system are not fully develop like adults. If not treated immediately, this skin diseases will spread throughout the body.

Yesterday, we went to my daughter's Pediatrician to ask medical advice and prescription. Her Pediatrician seconded that it's an Impetigo and it's very common to children in her age. My daughter need to take an oral anti-bacteria syrup and anti-bacteria ointment for 7 days.

It's really hard to see our child getting sick. As a parent, we need to become alert to our kids health condition to avoid severity of that certain disease.


About the author


I am a working mom at home. I have one daughter.

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