My WIsh List

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I wish I could look up to the sky with out seeing a stupid fucking chemtrail just once in my life.

I wish people were sane.

I wish there was no such thing as mainstream media and alternative media but just MEDIA. Wow, what a concept!

I wish Health Canada didn't exist, or at least actually cared about the people of Canada.

I wish I could receive all of my cheque and not just part of it. Somehow the government thinks they earned the money I work for.

I wish the so called alternative medicine was the only medicine.

I wish the schools would stop teaching our kids Darwinism.

I wish global warming would happen for once because it was record breaking lows where I live this winter. It was fricken cold!

I wish social engineering was only meant to help people and not for profits alone.

It's a short list, I don't think it's much to ask for.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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