My worst nightmare …

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“So many sweets…
I’m going to eat them all…
wow I can see more fruits too…
They look delicious…
 I want them all…” speaking to myself…

“Vara” somebody is calling me…
“Get up Vajra” Some strange voice saying something to me…

I feel so strange…
I am not even sitting on something but again that strange voice is telling me to get up…
Then I feel the whole place is shaking so strangely…

Then I tried to escape from the place full of sweet thing, delicious thins…
I was running all over the place like an Indiana Johns…
Then suddenly I fall into a dig…



“Hay Vajra, Wake up…” Sanju said. (My friend from +2)(And he is with my two other friends Lokesh and Bijesh)
“Hay Good morning” I said…
“Let’s go to Swoyambhu” Sanju said…
“Huh?? Now??”
I don’t want to go out I still feel so sleepy. I just want to sleep….
“Do you know something, I have got new game in my computer, and don’t you want to try…” I said…
“Of course” Bijesh said…
He added “He added are you talking about Raw vs. Smack down 2010”
“Yes, of course.”

I guided them to my computer room…

And switched on my computer and left them to play…
They were playing, I feel sleepy but they don’t let me sleep…


I was just staring at their gameplay…
Still one Joystick is free…” Bijesh said…

I said “Ok”. I join them but I’m so good in Computer wrestling games. Even three of them can’t make me loose.


Lokesh said, “Let’s quit its getting bore we can’t win him.”
“Nope let’s try one more time.” Bijesh said. After all he is also a crazy gamer.
“OH no! I’m getting let, let’s go.” Sanju added…

Finally game is over…
“Vajra please drop us in Nardevi” Sanju said.
“Huh? Are you mad I don’t have a car to drop you all...” I said…
“In Enticer, like we used to do in college time...” Sanju said…
“Okay then…”

Some time I used to ride together in my Enticer 125 for fun and he wanted to recall those moment one more time. Actually I also like that moment with my friends. But that day, I was feeling so sleepy. But again I agreed to drop them…

After I drop them, I came back home. And wanted to sleep again but I know my dad won’t let me sleep. So, came back to my empty Computer room with only one computer and a red carper 6 feet long and 5 feet width. I wanted to turn on my computer but I don’t want to so I just lay on carpet and took a nap…

And something horrible happened to me… I never experience such thing in my entire life… It is the most horrible nightmare…