No Cook & Easy Home made Manggo Ice Cream

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* 3-4  Pcs.Grated Ripe Pico Mango

* 1 pack all purpose Cream you can use liquid or powder- in my case I used powdered cream about 1 cup added by 1 cup warm water.

* 1 cup Sweet Condensed Milk


*Just combine all the ingredients until well blend, in my case I just beat it since our blender is broken but for creamy and smooth Ice cream much better to blend it in a blender before chilling in your freezer.

It is well done and ready to eat after 1-2 hours.


Photo may not be look nice and not so attractive but the taste is awesome , my kids love it so much they requested a part 2. You can also do it with Avocado or Papaya just replace the Mango.



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Simple but talkative, business minded & hard working.

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