Olivia Culpo, from EUA, is the new Miss Universe
The Miss Brasil Gabriela Markus stay with the 5th place.
89 Misses from all over the world participated on the beauty competition in Las Vegas.
See the photos from the Misses.
The Miss Brasil 2012 that was the most beautifull miss with the Miss Venezuela and Miss Australia was eliminated on the choose for the third places, the gaúcha from the south of Brazil Gabriela Markus, with 24 years, gets the 5th place.

The second place goes for the Philipines Janine Tugonon, with 23 years old; in third, the venezuelanian Irene Sofia Esser Quintero, 21; and the fouth place with the australian Renae Ayris, 22.
In Las Vegas since the day 2 of december to participate of Miss Universe, the Miss Brazil Gabriela Markus said that she was very calm on the final.
The gaúcha dividw the room with the angolanian Marcelina Vahekeni, 22, that she was her traductor during the ativities with the misses.