Patience is More Than just a Virtue

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Living Life devotional sharing for 15th May 2016
2 Peter 3:1-9

A very good question was posed during church service this weekend: "How many of you having prayed to God, wait for an answer from God?" If we lack patience, we tend to let our thoughts wander and think about unsound things. That is usually how doctrine gets twisted. We allow ourselves to let our imaginations run wild and as a result our view of God changes. Does God change? No, absolutely not.

So what does it take to see things happen? Patience, and lots of it, if required.

"Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised." -Hebrews 6:15 NLT

"You have patiently suffered for Me without quitting." -Revelation 2:3 NLT

Not to mention that God is very patient with us, though He is angry with how the world is today.

"Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?" -Romans 2:4 NLT

"The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love." -Psalm 103:8 NLT

How much more so with ourselves? We should be forever grateful that we have such a God who waits on us to get right with Him but we should never take that patience for granted.

Useful Links:
Read: 2 Peter 3:1-9
Watch: Living Life TV (15 May 2016).
See post also at Bones On Fire on FB.

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Hi, this is DJ_Pates. If you know me or wish to know more about what I like and do, add me by liking this page. If you have any questions or would like to keep in the loop with my goings-on, just drop a message and I will get back…

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