Save Earth Save Energy

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Energy is the source for moving object in order to perform work.Energy may be moving in the form of kinetic energy,it may be stored by an object called potential and in the form of burning fuel called Chemical energy.

Energy Resources



There are two types of energy:


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Renewable Energy:

        Are those which can be generated regularly without the decaying of source for e.g Solar energy,Wind energy,Geothermal energy and Hydro energy.

Renewable Energy Types

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Non Renewable Energy:

        The energy which comes in the form of fuel under the earth is nonrenewable.This maybe in the form of coal,fossil fuels or gas.

Non renewable Energy


What is Energy?

It is a unique question,what is energy.The answer is simple Energy is a source which is used to light our house cities,gives combustion to vehicles,used in factories,industries for making various products.It cooks our food, warms us etc.

Save energy, save the environment

The world is facing with insurmountable energy crisis.As our demands keep increasing our energy resources are lacking behind.Although it may not be obvious,but there's a direct connection between energy use and environment.Our Earth is facing with grave challenges as our global economy is growing.With the start of twenty first century requirement of fossil fuels has increased and it is increasing without taking serious steps to stablize it.

We can stable it by consuming less power thus allowing less burning of fossil fuels into the atmosphere and conserving the remaining fossil fuels for future generations.It takes million of years for formation and they are non renewable.Thus it is the need of hour to unite and devise strategies for conserving fossil fuels.Thus by taking steps to reduce energy we will contribute to a happier healthier world. 

Protecting Environment Save Energy

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Transportation is the biggest cause of Fuel burning.With fuel burning more and more Carbon is emitted therefore it is key element of polluting the air.With automobiles proliferating each year it is causing more problems including accidents,local and global pollution and Traffic congestions. There are about 750 million passengers cars and about 70 million more cars are rolling out of the plant each year.With population increasing and life becoming more hectic this situation seems out of control.

Why to Conserve it?

  • ·         Our world is facing with limited source of non renewable energy.
  • ·         With demand increasing it is diminishing day by day.
  • ·         It is possible that some day it might be finished and we have to look for alternative source.

What can we do?

8 things we can do to conserve energy




  • There are many products which can be recycle today.Special machines are designed for this purpose.We can recycle our waste materials and turn into useful materials.
  • Turn off all the electrical appliances that are not in use it will not only conserve energy but also it will be economically efficient for your house.
  • Replace all the old bulbs with energy saving florescent bulbs.This will also conserve and will take less electricity result more economical.


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How to save Energy?

Protect the air and prevent climate change:

Perhaps the most notable way of reducing the pollution is by decreasing power plant emissions.That is by burning less fossil fuels.To generate electricity more coal and fossil fuels are burnt.It may be a cheap source of getting electricity but it has been polluting our planet very much.Carbon dioxide sulphur dioxide and nitrogen are few by products which are released from power generation.

Protect air Preventing Climate Change

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Out of these carbon dioxide has bigger impact.It is also known as green house gas.This gas not only pollutes the air but it also traps heat released from the sun during the day as a result our atmosphere gets warmer than expected.Carbon can also decrease oxygen due to which many people are suffering with suffocation and heart problems.The major problems caused by excessive green house gas emissions are:

  •          Higher temperature 
  •          Abnormal pattern of rain 
  •          Drought
  •          Increased intensity of Natural disasters
  •          Acid rain and Smog

Conserve Natural Resources:

It is becoming increasingly important to conserve our energy source with energy sources becoming scarce it is our duty to make maximum benefit of them.We can save energy by:

  • ·         Turning off extra lights
  • ·         Washing clothes utensils with cold water
  • ·         Saving trees natural gas

Natural Resources


Save Ecosystems and Animals:

In addition to depleting energy sources and polluting environment energy source can harm ecosystems and animals.Mining logging and extraction of fuel can cause harm to habitats living on land.With air polluting and oil spilling it can have major effect on biodiversity and species living under water.It has been known that biodiversity is disappearing 1000 times higher than normal extinction rate.

Save Animals

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Although EPA has set rules and regulations for chemical dumping but toxic waste produced by chemical plants has not disappeared. 

 Save water don't Waste it:

Wasting water is easy way of wasting your money.Many gallons of water is wasted by leaking.Easy method of saving water is to hear the voice dip dip from the sink or tap.Especially when every one is outside and no appliance is in use you can check it by water meter in the tank whether it goes down or not after some minutes.

Save water Save Earth

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Measure Your Mile:

Gas prices may not go down but even fuel prices can cost large amount.In US about 25% of green house gas emissions is caused by cars.Also using energy efficient cars and keeping your car in best condition can cause less fuel and pollution.A tiny little device called Energy Efficient Adviser can be mounted in a car which will not only give cost per route but also the performance of the engine.

Drive less Walk More


Let us have in mind our everyday actions can have far significant in our planet.It determines whether our planet will flourish or perish.So  one simple action or change in habit will have far effect in saving our planet.




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