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Big arms, I mean shirt stretching, super-hero looking big arms will never go out of style. And, if you ask any guy if he could have one dream body part it’s bigger arms. It’s the one body part that gets you instant respect once people see them – coincidentally, bigger arms is also the one body part the women find most sexy. They say it makes them feel safe when being held – no joke! So time to man up and ditch your eleven-teen inch arms for good!

Now when it comes to big arms there is a lot of BS out there: some ‘gurus’ tell you ‘don’t train arms directly, they get plenty of work from pressing and chin-ups’, others have said ‘if you want big arms squat more’ and my favorite, ‘in order to add an inch to your arms you’ll have to gain 10 pounds of muscle’ –lol! All complete BS. To make matters worse, some training "functional" styles tell you not even to train arms at all!! If you really want to know how to get bigger arms read on...

When it comes to arm training there are 4 questions that come up all the time:

  • 1. How many sets should I do?
  • 2. How many reps should I do?
  • 3. How often should I train arms?
  • 4. What are the best exercises?

I will answer each of these and more. I will show you some exercises for bigger arms and some workouts for bigger arms that will help you get bigger arms fast.

Bigger Arms Training Tip #1

Give Arms Their Own Day

Give arms their own training day. You heard me, their OWN day. This is the single most important arm training tip. Nothing will help you get big arms faster then training biceps, triceps and forearms together on their own day. The evidence from this approach is so overwhelming it deserves a little explanation.

There are many people who believe that they will be able to grow their biceps by simply adding them into the workout AFTER training their back and/or triceps.

This is simply not the case.

It is a FACT that the body parts trained first will always progress faster than those that are trained afterward. This is because as the workout progresses, you lose energy and as a result your output is reduced.

CRITICAL TIP: Start with your biceps first or have a biceps-only day and useFat Gripz to see the fastest, biggest results for your arms!

Training Tip #2

Always Train Arms with Fat Gripz or a Thick/Fat Bar

Only Train Arms With Thick Bars/Fat Gripz. Along with training arms on their own day this is probably the most important change you can make in your arm training. Using fat-handled bars is one of the most effective ways to develop maximum muscularity and strength. It develops big arms and levels of upper body power strength virtually incomprehensible to those who train only with regular bars...

Training Tip #3

Train Your Forearms

Train your forearms. No matter what your goal is, a set of big beefy forearms is always impressive and it completes your arms. It doesn’t matter how big your biceps or triceps are, if you have stick forearms you will still have small arms – that’s a fact.

The most effective way to build your forearms is to train with thick-handled barbells and dumbbells (see point #2 – if you don’t have access to thick bars grab some Fat Gripz!

Training Tip #4

Maximize Blood Volume In The Muscle... The Pump


Train for the pump. I cannot stress how important this is. If you are not getting a pump it’s going to be very hard to get big arms. When you get a pump it is bringing blood and nutrients into the muscle which is absolutely critical for growth and strength.

The second benefit of a pump is the stretching effect it can have on your fascia. Fascia is like a tight sheath that surrounds your muscles (especially for arms). In some people it is so tight that it will actually restrict muscle growth (arm size) so the more you can stretch it out via the expansive force from the increased blood volume in the muscle (the pump) the more room you will create to allow growth. You can even help this along by stretching your arms when they are fully pumped.

Generally speaking you want to train arms in the 8-15 rep range twice a week with less then a minute between sets and a minimum of 10 sets (if you’re doing arms on their own day).

A1 Incline dumbbell curls
Use Fat Gripz for faster gains
x12 x6 30s
A2 Triceps cable press down x12 x6 30s
Repeat the above until you have down 6 sets each of bi’s and tri’s.Your arms should be feeling big.
B1 Standing alternate dumbbell curls
Use Fat Gripz for faster gains
x12 x6 30s
B2 Lying skull crushers (AKA triceps extensions with an EZ bar) x12 x6 30s
Repeat the above until you have down 6 sets each of bi’s and tri’s.Your arms should be feeling twice as big now.
C1 Standing reverse curl
Use Fat Gripz for faster gains
x15 x15 0s
C2 Pronated grip (overhand) wrist exstensions x20 x20 Repeat x 3

Your arms should be officially ‘fried’. Do this routine twice a week for 6 weeks and then buy some new shirts :-) And remember to take it easy on your other body parts


Much Love

About the author


Believe in holding relation than simply walking away

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