Simple Ways to Take Care of Kittens

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Caring for a kitten is certainly not too much trouble when their mother. But, what if the parent is lost or dies because of certain factors? Certainly not an easy job, especially when the kittens still need the milk of the mother. Not just any food factors to consider, but many things are required to be aware of health factors especially.


Here are some simple ways without parent care for a kitten!

1.       Kitten more sleep, so that the area around the eyes shrouded in much dirt eyes. When he woke up, clean the area so the sweet could see well when opening the eyes. How to clean the eye area very easily, dip the cotton into a solution of warm water, then wipe the area around the eye until the dirt is gone.

2.       Because no mother, kittens should still be given milk. Do not just give milk, specially formulated especially for men. Kittens should not consume cow’s milk or goat because it contains lactose which can damage the digestive system. Set aside money to buy milk that is specially formulated for kittens.

3.       After buying formula, the time given to cats. Prepare a small container of glass, put the milk and dissolve it with warm water. Squirt milk over fist, when it is hot, mix with cold water in order to be in warm conditions. Prepare a special dot or straws, grab the milk and give to the side of the mouth sweet. Do it slowly until the cat feel full.

4.       If the kitten is meowing in a loud voice, he might still hungry or have given the milk. However, if the sweet is still meowing not being hungry, try moving to another area, for he feels comfortable to sleep or put up the cute doll or furry rug, it will give good effect.

5.       How to care for a kitten without a parent will be easier with age. In this case, the sweet may be given solid food. If you do not want to bother, just buy commercial food like Whiskas. These brands provide a variety of foods that match the age of the cat.

6.       Provide a special box or container to dispose of the dirt is sweet. Use the special sand which can be obtained from the nearest pet store.

7.       Teach your kitten from an early age, to be trained and not a hassle later.

That’s the simple way of taking care kittens without a mother. Indeed, it is not easy especially where the parent would affect the growth and development of sweet. Spend some time playing with him anyway so he was more familiar with humans.



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