Social Engineering Tactic?

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I have paid attention to how social engineering may work. You can eat the meat and spit out the bones in this article if you like, it won't hurt my feelings. I think I have found how some forms of social engineering may work. I can honestly say that it was in a way I never would have expected it. There can be a show or a movie that you will like, but during that show there is a small part in there that may contradict your original thinking mode. Usually after this part is put in there is a moment of silence to allow your brain to process what you just saw or heard, then the movie or show moves on. It leaves me to believe that sometimes a person has to wonder if a whole show or movie is created just so that you will sit there and watch the 3 second social engineering gap. Can I give you any examples off the top of my head at the moment? I can honestly say no I can't, but I feel that it's everywhere on TV and in the movies. Maybe some might know what I'm talking about, but others might not have a clue. If you can, try to catch these moments the next time you watch TV or when you're watching a movie. You might find yourself watching or hearing something, and then you might find yourself thinking about what you just watched or heard, then you will find yourself tucking that thought away moments later. Flash that type of stuff in front of you enough times and you will become use to it. What was once a shock to you (and you know it) is now second nature. I don't believe that all social engineering is for bad intentions, but I do believe that many social engineering tactics are for bad intentions. I don't believe all shows do this tactic, nor all movies, but I do believe that it's everywhere. I think there are all kinds of forms of social engineering, I just think that this is one way they do it.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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