Some Thing's I've Noticed

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Some thing's I've noticed in my life. I have noticed that rich people have said these words "work hard" like it's some sort of solution to being rich. I have something to say about this. Although rich people are probably more able to give advice on how to become rich I have seen the contrary to this belief. I've seen many people go through life bending over backwards for the company that they work for. These people have done this for years and years and they continue working hard behind the scenes and all you hear is more demands from the boss. You can see it in their eyes that these people are tired, but yet they don't tell a single soul that they are tired because they aren't on the search for self pity. Not long ago a man at my workplace died (in his bed mysteriously). While he was alive I saw him watching curling in the lunch room one day. He seemed like a man with few words. I asked him "you like curling?" He told me as he was watching curling "not much better than a glass of wine and watching curling". I felt bad that he died quite shortly after we communicated. I saw this guy work hard every day and the only time I seen this guy get attention from the workplace was on the day of his funeral. I pretty much didn't know this man from a hole in the ground, but he was what I percieved to be a blessing on this earth. Another example of how I see that working hard isn't necassarily the key to success is my dad. My dad has worked hard practically since the day he was born. He has had very hard jobs, and jobs with horrible hours. There pretty much hasn't been any relief from hard work from my dads life. Many of his jobs I would consider dangerous. He would always come home tired and sore. He would even develop arthritis and other health problems, yet he is over 60 now and is renting a low income place with not much to show for. There are many more examples on this earth of course. Here I am in a life that is telling me to work hard, but the only results I've seen in my life from working hard are sore backs, health problems, and debt. Look I think that everyone should work hard at everything that they do. I do think however that working hard a small piece of the puzzle to success, but there seems to be a lot more to success than meets the eye.

The thing I have noticed is when a person has a very hard job and is breaking their back at work and still not successful and they say something along the lines of "I'm just not making enough money" you will more than likely hear the words "hang in there", where as if you are enjoying your job and not making much money and you say the same thing you will probably hear the words "get a real job". I use to deliver pizza and made a fair amount of money some nights. Once I said "I enjoy my job" then most of the automatic replies are "yeah, but you can't do this the rest of your life" or "you should really get a real job".

When I was in high school I would attend Industrial Arts. I would work with wood and metal and I would do my best. My IA teacher was a great guy, but he didn't like me all that much. I still remember my final project to pass IA. We had to build a bird house. I was the last to hand mine in because I was spending so much time on it cause I just wanted to pass this class already. I eventually got it done. The class was empty, and here I was walking up to my teacher with my bird house saying "I got my bird house done Mr. Terasoff". I extended my arm to him with the bird house in my right hand. He turned to look at my creation and paused as he looked at my bird house with disgust. I felt awkward during this silent time as he looked at me with the face of "you can't be serious". I looked at the bird house too realizing just how horrible this creation was. He simply grabbed the bird house and threw it in the garbage. He dropped everything he was doing and got up and walked to the shop and said "follow me". He made a bird house for me from start to finish as I followed him all over the shop as he made this thing. He took me to the classroom and said "I'm giving you 50%". He just didn't want to see me in his class ever again. I have had jobs where I'm suppose to measure and cut wood and drywall, but I couldn't do that right. I have never shingled a house by myself in my life, but shingling was in the family for years and I have helped out since I was 13 years old. A friends dad asked me to help his son shingle his small garage. We finished and walked down the ladder and looked up at our shingle job and it was the worst shingle job I have ever seen. It looked like some sort of grey abstract art of the ocean cause the shingles were going up and down like waves, worse yet most weren't even synchronized. Apparently my friends dad wasn't too pleased with our job.

I have always accelerated at being creative and got high marks in creativity in English class, so as the years went by I found that a person can make careers out of creativity. Eventually I found myself attending a Graphic Design/ New Media college. It was great learning all of these great things and great software programs. At the end of the year I found myself using these new found expertise as a good pass time hobby. I tried to make a career out of my post secondary experience, but my creativity is irrelevant to the mass populous I guess. So here I am stuck with a $20,000 dollar student loan to pay off along with $2,000 dollars worth of unpaid parking tickets because the school was downtown and I lived out of town so I had to drive. All of this debt so I could have a hobby doing digital art (which is OK with me).

I just continued doing other jobs that I wasn't good at because I need to make money after all. I did lots and lots of shingling. I even tried to do some on my own as my brother in law tried to supervise me, and it turned out to be that of the same as my friends dads garage. We would have to pull the shingle out that I just nailed in and nail it all over again. I worked in a busy kitchen for a while making my way from dishwasher to prep cook to buffet cook, then eventually line cook and deli cook. I would find myself in a busy restaurant all by myself many times with 200 customers sitting in this 200 seat restaurant. It was very tough to do everything during these wee morning hours cause I'm close to finishing my graveyard shift but yet I did it numerous amounts of times. The manager would walk in and give me crap every morning cause the kitchen was a mess. One day she walked in with all her manager buddies and paused to see the insane mess in the kitchen from the morning rush and looked at me as though she was going to say something. I looked straight at her and yelled "don't you dare say a word!". She simply turned away and walked with out saying a word. I got sick of this bull crap and put my notice in. On the last day of work I didn't show up. I got a phone call on my cell phone as I was drinking. It was my manager "aren't you coming in?!". I said "I can't I'm drunk". That was the end of that. I now know that a person shouldn't miss their last day of work. No matter how bad the job is, just don't do it. It wasn't good characteristics on my behalf. I guess I just had the "I'll show her" attitude.

I just wonder why I am pulled toward jobs and always encouraged to have jobs that I suck at and not interested in, but the ones that I am good at and interested I feel detoured from.

My end conclusion is that everyone should work as hard as they can. Just know that being rich doesn't necassarily come with working hard. I think that a person has to have a certain mindset and a good sense of knowledge of money and investing and other things in order to be rich. I've seen too many people plain ol work hard for many years, but yet they are still struggling financially and still not moved up in the company years and years down the road.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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