StartinTV work experience

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Hey guys this is really delayed blog as i wasn't a film annex user in November but this blog is about the work i did in November for StartinTV

  I went to MCCC in Manchester to help StartinTV by getting people to sign up for the service. I found the day really great for my confidence as i got talk to everybody possible as well as have a look around the event myself and see what people were offering and got to see amazing pieces of kit which was so cool!

 I benefited a lot from this as i got to show professionalism in front of my lecturer who runs StartinTV. 

I found this experience really good for me and my confidence as well as my people skills as i learnt a lot about the industry and from speaking to people what sorts of field out there that i could approach after graduation which are focused on my interests 


About the author


I am a film student at Staffordshire university aspiring to be involved in the sound department of film making as well as writing my own scripts for films. I am currently on a insane ride at university discovering new roles and working habits as i am making films and crewing…

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