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As I was browsing the internet a few minutes ago, I came across this website with its blog quoting its title as:

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But I say, "We need super powers to fulfill our responsibilities!".

This idea has prompted me to generate a new blog about super powers (because I can't get enough!). You can check my previous blog down right here:


After a day of self-reflection, I realized that five superpowers is not enough so I decided to add a few more, five to be exact. There are countless problems in this world, right? So if more problems, more powers!

Let's go straight to the topic. Here are my five ideal superpowers!:

1. The power to speak and understand all languages in the world

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When I say all languages, it means ALL LANGUAGES. Just imagine everyone to be multi-lingual. Do you think there can be world peace? It is a sixty percent probably yes. I think anyone cannot backbite anyone, just to be honest. Racial discrimination wouldn't be possible and everyone can help each other. Everyone will understand everyone's culture. Respect is emphasized maybe? We can expect this power to spread love everywhere.

2. The power to be invisible

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When you are invisible, you will see how people act behind your back. Do they tell bad things about you? Do they miss you? Are they acting truely in front of you? Through this, you can see their true colors. Personally, I hate trusting people since society is terrible. Unless this power comes to life, my assumption will always be true.

We can also use this power to be alone from everyone. In my case, I don't want people to see me. Sometimes dreaming of just disappearing from this world occurs so that I can't feel hurt anymore. I'd rather stay inside my house than go out somewhere. My house is my relief and my refuge. It has its own way of making me invisible.

3. The power to read people's mind

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Superpower number 2 has the same application as to this superpower. However in here, it's just a matter of reading others' mind to know who they truly are. Maybe they don't like how we dress ourselves but they just don't want to tell us. Maybe they secretly hate us and from that we could know what to do next. Along with it, It could also take out our first impression towards strangers avoiding any condemnatory judgment that is purely based on their physical appearance. 

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Let's take the picture above as an example. At first glance, we can assume that the woman in the picture is a surgeon who is supposed to be in the middle of a surgery as evidenced by blood stains on her face. Now I'm going to ask you. Do you think she's a bad or a good doctor? If you're going to ask me, I think she is a bad doctor basing from the way she stares at me. How about you? Whether we say she's bad or good, the key point there is that it's just our first impression towards her because who knows exactly? She might seem to display a strong personality but deep inside she could be a kind doctor. Not every doctor is patient-oriented so this power can establish trust with this doctor.

4. The power to stab the unruly 

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.....With magical knives. I get it. Brutality and all but let me explain. This is for all bullies.

*Control your temper while watching this!:

Video source: FAST AND FAMOUS (

The victim's name is Naomi Johnson and she is getting beaten by her so-called 'friends'. I'm sure we have mutual feelings about the video. They beat her mercilessly so they should be punished with BRUTALITY, so the idea of magical knife stabbing

Bullies have no right to live in this world. I wonder why they exist. All they do is cause misery. If such power was real, I would have imagined it this way : (1) Picture out knives in my mind. (2) Make them come to life all of a sudden. (3) Simultaneously throw them at these truculent cowards. (4) Keep attacking them with the magical knives. (5) Make them beg for mercy as they slowly feel the end of their lives. (6) Justice served.

It sounds a bit gore but I hope you'll understand why I said that. Anyway, it's just fictional so it isn't true. Also, I don't want to get in jail. Just I hate bullies. Why are these people so heartless?

5. The power to be enormously strong

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*This photo of a frozen lake in Utah is the basis. Too gross!

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Displaying it in a small size and not in a large size. Trust me. You're not going to like it if it was pasted the latter way. If you want to watch the video version on Youtube, watch at your own risk!

The first time I saw its video was the time when one user posted it on Bitlanders. When I watched it, I realized how gross it was! Up until now especially when I log in, I still remember it like, "Eeeeewwww". "EEEEEEWWWWWW"... I don't like this feeling, the feeling that you want to SMASH, PUNCH, CRACK, and DESTROY that hole, and POLVERIZE THE ICE INTO PIECES! Give me Thor's hammer please! I can't contain this feeling! If the power was only possible, I'd have punched this hole ONE TIME BIG TIME!

This power can do greater wonders other than just smashing that ugly frozen lake. Try to consider my country (Philippines) where crime rates are so much high including murder. The power to be enormously strong could be a great tool to protecting the victims and criminals would be taken care of right away. I could use this power to protect my family including my sister. No one must hurt her.

*If superpowers existed, life would have been much easier. Sad to know, they don't. In order to have a good life, we must not lose ourselves over our problems. I bet that's the real power inside of us. The world is an ultimate battle ground so if you've stumbled, stand up and improve. Your own superhero is YOU so stay strong! 

*The real superhero is you!

Video source : MariahCareyVevo (

This has been Vanity and I hope you enjoyed this blog. Let's keep in touch until next time. See you and have a happy Bitlanders! :)


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