Synchronous Motor

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A  Synchronous  Motor as an the work of A.C machine. Synchronous Motor that operates convert to the electrical energy in to mechanical energy motor as a operated in a alternator .Two main parts of the Synchronous Motor has the following in these parts


2- Rotor


                Stator recive the three phase supply and the armature  winding in the slot of stator

2- Rotor:-Rotor as a Two poles south or north poles generally salient pole type construction is employes the rotoe pole excited by DC. Synchronous Motor are not Self Strating and used for start

Synchronous Motor operation:-

                                                                The fact that a Rotor as a Two poles south or north poles generally salient pole type construction is employes the rotoe pole excited by DC. Synchronous Motor are not Self Strating and used for start has no self starting torque can be easily prodused conside a three phase  Synchronous Motor at stand still and let the stator winding be anergized form the three phase supply and rotor winding wxcited form  the DC source the stator winding produced a rotating field revolves round the stator at Synchronous speed wheres the rotor winding produced fixes poles on the rotor

Characteristics of Synchronous Motor

A Synchronous Motor has the following characteristics

1-its not self starting

2- for given speed only they called the Synchronous speed

3-opreted the under wide range of power factors  and both lagging and leading

Advantages of Synchronous Motor

1-      These motor made the operate the leading power factor  and the normally lagging power factor

2-      Synchronous Motor can give the constant speed  form no load to full load

3-      Efficiency of Synchronous Motor  is very high

Disadvantages of Synchronous Motor

1-      Cannot be used the verabil speed  and possibility the speed adjustment

2-      Cannot the stared the under load

3-      Synchronous Motor started its torque Zero

4-      Over load the motor stop

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