Tanda Anda Sudah Tidak Jujur Pada Diri Sendiri

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1. Laugh at something that is not funny just to bandwagon
We all do it at least once, but the more you do, the more difficult it becomes sincere, because you have to act pretending to 'conform', which is not in accordance with the heart. You do not naturally find something funny about someone and just lie to your own feelings.

2. Giving false flattery
Do not give false praise just to be liked. Heartache caused when the truth came out from false praise far more wounding than saying the truth. It is better to remain silent if not consulted, or saying subtly that it is less appropriate.

3. Lying about something just to please others
Lie seems to be a safe haven, but not at all reassuring dwellings. One lie leads to another lie before you know it, you constantly are in a web of lies, and will find it difficult to find your own honesty.

4. Pretend happy when you're miserable, or vice versa
Sooner or later pretense will end. You will be fed up, angry, and frustrated with yourself. There is a better way, limit the association and the activities that are likely cause makes you feel miserable and surround yourself only with people who make you happy.
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5. Hide your little heart in order to gain the sympathy
Believe in yourself. Do not get into a few boxes of other people's thinking. If you think differently, then make it as your honest opinion. Sometimes do you go with the flow, sometimes opposing, another old-fashioned time. Forget what is popular today. Give appreciation for your own judgment based on honest observations.

6. Forcing yourself to do things you do not like
Just say it frankly enough. If you do that in your relationship, then you feel depressed. It's time to say your real than suffer later on.

7. You constantly change your view based on the views of others
You may be an idealistic at this time, but because it is in the midst of people who like to judge, eventually you turn into a chameleon as they wish. It has never been able to give good for mental growth and confidence.


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