Tarzan Cast Dies

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Los Angeles - Denny Miller, the actor who plays the oldest figure of Tarzan, died at the age of 80 years.

Hollywood Reporter reported that Miller died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is devoted suffered for a long time.

Miller took the role of Tarzan in 1959 from the hands of Johnny Weismuller at the age of 24 years, with ramake starred in Tarzan, the Ape Man. Since then, the character Tarzan attached to him.

In addition to playing the character Tarzan, Miller also starred in the 1961-1964 television series Wagon Train, Western movie classic guest stars Have Gun, Will Travel, The Brady Buch and Gilligan's Island.

Throughout his career, Miller starred in 20 films and 230 TV Show.

Retreat from the world of film, Miller had become a health advocate and writes three novels. In 2012 he wrote Me Tarzan, You Train, which teaches readers how to stay fit and control weight without suffering.

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