The Deal Breaker

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So you meet Mr. Right. He has kind, handsome, funny and makes you oh so happy. You have been dating for a while and it starts getting serious. You start discussing the future and then BAM it hits you. He tells you he doesn't want kids. What do you do? Do you continue to stay with him until you are ready to have kids and enjoy the time up until then? Or do you call it quits right then and there because that is a definite deal breaker? A friend just went through this exact situation and decided to call it quits with someone who was perfect for her and that she loved. He just wouldn't budge on the kid situation and she wanted the option to have kids even if she wasn't 100% sure. Deal breakers can be about kids or marriage or even where you want to live. It makes you realize that love isn't enough but relationships are about making sure you can go down a path together and have a life that makes you both happy. The key thing is to know what you both want out of the relationship and to be upfront about it. Otherwise you may deal with tons of heartbreak and unhappiness down the line. xx Love Mania

About the author


Two best friends who have known each other since childhood, discuss dating, relationships and love. They share their experiences, friends stories and emails from fans. Questions or stories? Email us at

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