The Incubator

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I don't know about you, but after I published last week's article, I was still intrigued about this whole “incubator and technology grid” thing. I mean, really—is there any word cooler than “incubator”? Or “technology grid,” for that matter? The whole thing sounds like a futuristic, wondrous super-dome of technical amazement...or a super-villain's evil plot to take over the world. With those kind of stakes on the line, I had to be sure which it was. So I did a little more research, and I came up with the Film Annex Capital Partners Business Incubator project, which is actually called “The Incubator” for short.

As you can imagine, I was really excited to find this—more information about an exciting humanitarian effort AND I get to use the phrase “The Incubator” repeatedly? Everybody wins! Literally.

As I mentioned in my article last week, the mission of the Incubator (yay!) is “to implement, develop and test social media, educational and gaming software for teens and pre-teens in the Afghan education system.” What this means in real-people language is that, in the 40 Afghan schools where this program is being set up, Film Annex, Cidatel Software of Kabul, Etico Capital of New York, and a number of other digital media companies will be creating products, services, and even whole entrepreneurial efforts from the ground up in Afghanistan schools in cooperation with the school's population. Each product will then become its own R&D project, the development of which will be financed through Film Annex Capital Partners. Through this effort, children in Afghanistan will have the opportunity to learn skills and build their future in the global digital media industry, as well as immediately connect with the world at large through social media platforms available to them in their new computer classrooms.

Opening of First Internet Classroom at Bagnazargah, Afghanistan

Another interesting feature of this initiative is that each piece of each project will be filmed, edited, and posted on the Film Annex WebTV channels for the Afghan Development and the Afghan Business Incubator initiatives, so we can all watch the progress of each school and each project. The initial focus of The Incubator will be on educational software games, translation software, film production and post production, as well as coding and software development, just to name a few.

View the Film Annex Capital Partners Project Brochure Here!

So there you have it. More like a technology super-dome than a super-villain's super-plan, The Incubator is growing Afghanistan's digital industry, one school at a time. By planting the seeds of technology and encouraging the expansion of knowledge, one day Afghanistan's citizens with reap the benefits of a fruitful future in the software and social media business.

 To view other articles and videos recommended by Sarah Grace, visit



...Incubator. Sorry, but it never gets old.

About the author


Sarah Grace is a writer filmmaker living and working in Madison, Wisconsin. She is passionate about independent enterprise and is a big supporter of Internet-based film, television, and other entertainment.

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