The management of emotions produce better ideas

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According to Aristotle virtue is at the midpoint between the excess and deficiency, ie prevent vice and the abstinence. Emotions may arise in the same way, finding a balance between reason and heart, be joyful, without rising to ecstasy, accepting oneself, without admiration or vanity.

The psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey proposed the concept of emotional intelligence in 1990, defending the idea of overall success, in which the logical skills, sports, linguistic, musical, etc. They go hand in hand with emotional self-control and self-regulation is achieved through a recognition of one's own dominant emotions.

The writer Daniel Goleman, delves into the subject to be used in everyday works, concluding a classification of skills. Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills, which favor the person to raise their self-confidence, self-criticism, openness to change, optimism, engagement, art of listening, the ability to correctly solve a conflict as well as the ability to train and retain talent.

The balance of emotions is the person ready to perceive all the stimuli that are generated around them. The management of emotions produces better ideas. A study with a sample of 500,000 people shows that professional success is highly linked to the so-called Emotional Intelligence, revealing that 90% of people with managerial positions effectively control their emotions, ie, they achieve a balance between excess and default example, only less than 40% of professionals are able to recognize their emotions and keep them in a half a point to externalize, compared with the other 70% that it is impossible to compose himself while submit a disagreement.

We could conclude that the generation of ideas, plans, innovations and creations may be due to select people who have achieved the goal of listening, self-criticism, if accepted, be assertive and be empathetic and creative leadership.

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