We may not be aware, but there are a lot of people committing suicide in different parts of the world; even young people and well-to-do people. Some of the reasons were due to severe depression, most of which are brought about by extreme loneliness, hopelessness, loss of purpose in life and the absence of the will to live.
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Why do people lose the desire to live? What or who is the reason for our existence in this world anyway?
The Bible says that SIN and ‘separation from God’ are the reasons of our hopelessness. Sin caused us to be separated from God; and these bring loneliness and worthlessness to our life; much like a person without the love and support of parents, and family.
Almost all of us are inspired by LOVE; and we believed our loved ones give us the desires to live.

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But the LOVE this world offers us is conditional and unstable; it is changeable due to many factors, like death or physical separation, change of minds and affections, unmet or unsatisfied conditions or promises, change of circumstances or interests, etc.
The Bible says that God is Love. Love is the very nature of God. God Himself is Love; so if we have God in us, then we have Love.
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God created Man so He can love him, and he can love Him back; this pleases Him. This means, without God, without LOVE, Man is lonely; like fish without water, they can’t live.
We can’t find meaning and satisfaction in our lives other than from God. NOTHING in this world can completely satisfy our inward longings and desires.
Not wealth, fame, or power; not popularity, friendship, or acquaintances; not money or possessions, foods or entertainments; … none of the things we pursue in this material world can make us live a really happy and meaningful life; no matter how much we have.
As the infants are completely happy and contented in their own mothers’ bosoms, so are we in the arms of our heavenly Father Who created us, and Who loves and cares for us.
God’s love for us is unchangeable, unconditional, and it is everlasting. If we stay close to Him, His love will never fail us; as long as we ask Him, He will never leave us nor forsake us.
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In God, we will find the meanings and purposes of our lives; and this will give us joy, peace, and hope, and therefore, the reason to live.
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Thank you for reading. May God bless you and keep you safe.
You may want to hear the message of internationally-known evangelist Billy Graham about the value of the human souls to God.
"What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) ... God said that our souls are more valuable than the whole world put together.