The Slave

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The atmosphere was full of screams & cries as the poor creature was beaten savagely. He was shouting & crying for help as hot iron rod was put on his legs. Flames splashed as the road was throwing back on the hot furnace. Chains clanged as he desperately moved his hand & legs. Later, he was thrown in the hot sand. He was exhausted & had no energy to move. He was so exhausted & was in so much pain that he could not even raise his hand from the ground.
               Air was full of screams again & he was tortured like an animal. Thin rubber whip was striking his body with the maximum force. Time passed away slowly & now the sun was about to sink in the horizon, the scene made the sky red like blood. Hot sand was cooling down & he was still lying there unable to move himself because of excruciating pain.

            He looked up towards the sky saw the beautiful birds flying; the birds were heading for the shelter. He was so heartbroken after seeing that creatures even smaller than him were free, but he was not. There was desperation in him to get free from his owner but he knew that he will be caught. His mind was working forcing him not to go anywhere. If he ran away & got caught, he will be tortured. He was tired of his owner & his torturing; all he wanted was to get far away from him.
          The preceding story of a slave in the age of darkness, but considering our nation’s slavery to the so-called super powers of the world, this story becomes the story of every person found around you. Story, but his pain & suffering is no less by any means. He will be looking happy but internally all the people are same, full of pain & sadness.
         The story also fits our government, as the poor are becoming poorer & rich are becoming richer. We should all care for the well being of other & do our best for the prosperity of our country. Along the way we can hope that one day everything will be change.

About the author


working at filmannex

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