The true blend of Hollywood and Chinese entertainment -

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余谓,电视应树时代之标杆,发挥主流媒体功用,引导新生媒体譬如微博平台之衍伸及拓宽。换言之,以电视为主,辅以各新媒体,即能一展视听佳肴而又不失其原有风味。好比进食, 米饭是必不可少,无论清粥或白煮,只需在旁添置一两碟小菜小荤便足以开怀。


忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。“Hello!好莱坞”现已遍布中国大小城市共40家电视台生根结果,收视脉络成熟发展,若能与一线城市热门娱乐节目实现合作,可谓强强联合,则其影响力不可同日而语。望“Hello!好莱坞”能在华夏大地绽放光芒,实现全中国人民皆对其say Hi.

The Author Alyssa Ren is Marketing/ Branding Specialist in Metan Development Group, Shanghai Office.

For more business insights about entertainement business in China, please go to HelloHollywood's web TV


About Metan Development Group

Metan Development Group (“Metan” is a China-centric media company. Formed in 2008, Metan produces and distributes branded entertainment across television, online, and mobile platforms.

Each program serves as a marketing medium for developing ancillary business models / derivative revenue streams including e-commerce, licensing, merchandising, and exploitation in international markets.

Founded by Larry Namer (co-founder of E! Entertainment) and Marty Pompadur (former Chairman of News Corporation Europe), Metan was established specifically for the Chinese market. Since its inception, Metan has already been recognized by some of the world’s biggest media companies for its accomplishments in establishing a media presence and as the conduit for Hollywood in the China market today.

Metan has offices in Los Angeles (US), Beijing (China), and Shanghai (China) and is comprised of a full staff of media, production, and business professionals



About the author


Metan first launched in early 2009, and since then has made incredible inroads in developing the media market in China. Metan’s flagship series Hello! Hollywood is a weekly entertainment news show, covering Hollywood news, gossip, trends and pop culture. Hello! Hollywood premiered in September 2009 and today reaches a potential…

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