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 It’s a Saturday night and you decide to go to a bar with a couple of drinks to drink some tasty authentic German beer, have a few laughs and a jolly good time. Well, before you actually start the night and once you enter the bar, there are a few unspoken ’rules’ that we should follow but don’t necessarily have to {meaning no timeouts in a corner}.

I’m sure we can all relate to this scenario when going to a bar with a group, whomever they may be. The group decides to start a tab and at the end of the night the bill comes, no cash, and 10 cards are handed over trying to split the bill. Headache anyone?

 So a simple solution to avoid this situation is, before entering the bar simply ask your friends if they want to start a group tab and tell them,  “guys, we’ll all split the bill at the end or to each his own, let’s just take out cash to make life easier” aka headache avoided.

 The next unspoken rule is one that I was actually discussing with a friend the other day, buying rounds. This is where things can get a little messy since, not everyone always agrees.

 So, if you choose to buy a round for the group don’t expect everyone else to hop on the bandwagon and start buying rounds and vice versa. Some people may be more frugal or cannot afford to buy the group drinks, don’t place your friends in that awkward, uncomfortable situation.

 Also, if you ask your group, “guys you want to get a round of shots?” or whatever the order may be, do not ask everyone to pay for their drink after the order comes, it can really put a damper on the mood and cause unnecessary tension between friends.

Basically, when it comes to ‘rounds’, if you want to get them awesome, go for it but ask your group beforehand if they want another drink.

 Well, these are just a few of the unspoken rules. So next time you’re at a bar with a group of friends, try to be play nice and as The Most Interesting Man in the World may say, “stay thirsty my friends”.


About the author


Zahar Krutalev - a historic and wanderer who was born and raised in Moscow, Russia.

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