What do You Want for Yourself

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I don’t waste any room in this book discussing my writing accomplishments. I don’t have to prove I know enough about how to publish a book to write a book about publishing a book. If you want to know how many books I’ve published, look at the front or back of this book where I included a neatly printed list, or go online and type in the words: Cobalt Foxx.

          Before you find success as an author, you have to know what you want for yourself.

My goals

• Flawlessly publish several books in multiple genres each year

• Each book must be better than the previous book

• Books must be descriptive and quick to read (like a passing thought)

• Print books must look like a work of art from cover to interior

• Create an online platform that pays authors to post free e-books

• Help others find a career in writing (leave the cube farm to the cube farmers)       

You must decide your goals before you begin writing. Why do you want to publish a book? Do you want to entertain friends and family? Do you want to clean your mental closet? Do you want to have fun? Do you want to complete a dream? Are you creating a gift for another person?

          If you are publishing your book for fame and fortune, I’m sorry to tell you that you will feel two areas of disappointment. One, you will not achieve fame. Two, you will not achieve fortune.

          Your book may lead to fame and fortune (someday), but to have those standards as your initial goals is clearly setting your goals unrealistically high.

          When I first started publishing my main goal was to change the world. I quickly woke up. If your goal is to change the world, start with something small like changing the street where you live.

          Be realistic with your goals. I set my goals high, but I’m always realistic. My goals seem difficult, and require nonstop, dedicated work to achieve. If my goals were out of reach from the start all my hard work and dedication would result in failure.

About the author


I publish books under the name Cobalt Foxx in ALL genres... I also offer book formatting services & publishing support...

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