What I was and now What I am

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Hi my name is Ihtasham Zahid.I am s student of Electronics Engineering in International Islamic University Islamabad.Today I am telling you about myself. What i was and now what i am. It's about 1 year ago when I meet with a person who tell me that you must have to join such a societies and social working platform on which you can help others.And most important thing It is very good for you.So I joined IEEE IIUI Student Branch.Before that I was not much active in such activities. When I started,I have lack of confidence but once when I start ,It develop in me more and more.Today I can lead and manage every situation on every platform.I am happy to telling you, today I am Chairman IEEE IIUI Student Branch and as well as a academic Head of BLUE Society at Faculty of Engineering & Technology in International Islamic University Islamabad. 

In IEEE IIUI Student Branch we help other student in their studies and we provide everything which they need related to their studies.Before declare Chairman of Branch, I was General Secretory. During that I lean many things and I organized many events.My participation in every field is equal.I gave equal time to my study and as well as my social activities.I participate in many events as Event Head,Event Organizer and Volunteer.

I with my IEEE IIUI Branch team received participation Shield in Fetex'14 competitions.

I also received  shield of team Head in Open House 14.In Open House student shows there final year projects.I managed all the things for them.And I also awarded by Best Performance Member for session 2013-2014 in my Branch.



Instead of that, I also worked on many tutorials and projects which further I will share with you.Some of them I upload on the Filmannex and further I will Upload InshAllah.

I also participated in many competitions and won many times.

I with my team mate in Fetex'13.I was runner up in Speed Wiring competition.

What I was and Now What I am.

About the author


I am student of Electronics Engineering in International Islamic University Islamabad.

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