Who's the Next Strawhat Nakama?

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Who's the Next Strawhat Nakama?

Many are excited that Jinbei will already join the Strawhat pirates after the Fishman Island saga. Jinbei agreed but he said that there are some things that he must first attend to. Now all of us are curious what type of crew is next that will recruit by Luffy. We all know that Luffy likes to have a nakama that are unique and strong. With the current flow of the story, we have found out that even just a Vice Admiral has a very strong haki. That’s why, the next crew mate should be at the the Vice Admiral level strength or could par with a shichibukai. As we remember during the war, Vista of the White Beard pirates is just their 5th division commander but he can par with the strongest Swordsman Mihawk. As to the latest, here are the candidates to become the next Strawhats:

Jinbei – He already agreed to join to Luffy but need to attend other things first. As we have watch during the war, he shows his strength and muscle up at bullied one of the Shichibukai before named Moria. We still don’t know if Jinbei uses haki as that time, haki is not yet discussed by Rayleigh. Why Jinbei? Aside from the shichibukai strength and level, his fish man karate is on the top level. Since Luffy like to have unique nakama, a fish man is a perfect fit. The Strawhat need more power underwater.

Violet – Violet has a unique skill. She can spy in a wide range. But I don’t think that she is really a fighter. She has fighting skills but not yet strong to par with stronger pirates and Navy officers in the real world. Others believe that the next crew member should be a female

Rebecca – as we have seen in the coliseum, she featured fighting skills. But as the Dressrosa saga go on, we’ve seen that she even can’t fight Don Flamingo crew Diamante. That’s why I’m removing her from my prospects.

Leo – He is small, unique and cute. But even though he is small, he is strong. But not strong enough that’s why I don’t think that he will be the next nakama.

Bellamy – Although he is a former enemy, looks like he is changed because on how Mingo treated him. But for the use as a Strawhat, he may not be that helpful since he is not that strong and just kicked by Dillinger, member of Joker’s crew.

Kuros/ Kyros – He is the undefeated gladiator. Even though with just a single foot, he is fast and still strong as he cuts the head of the fake Mingo. I will be glad if he will be the next crew as he also possesses good heart. But I think after this war, he will still remain to the kingdom to protect King Riku, Rebecca and the Kingdom

Bartolomeo – He is the number 1 fan of the Straw Hats pirates. He is not that strong combat but has a very unique ability and uses barrier. His ability can help the Strawhats blocks any attacks in the war. He can block cannon balls or even Magma attacks and laser attacks of Kizaru. He will fight for the Strawhats.

Firefox Kinemon – He is a samurai and looks really strong too. He also has very unique ability. Since he is like Zorro, I think he will not be the next member.

Sabo – the number 2 of the Revolutionary Army with very strong Haki and now acquired the ability of the fire Mera-Mera no mi devil fruit. He fights par with an Admiral. I don’t think that he will join the Strawhats because even though not joining, he will help the Strawhats when they are in danger since he doesn’t want to lose a brother anymore. Let’s find out what will happen next.

Other possible are Aokiji the former Admiral but they will become more powerful if he joins. I don’t think Oda will make him the next Strawhat. We all know that Oda is full of surprises. Trafalgar Law is also a nice pick but since they already have a doctor, he will just be an allied pirate. For you, who’s your candidate?


About the author


I'm Rod. I'm a Broadcast Engineer. I'm also a musician, composer and arranger of Kapampangan Liturgical Music. I love to write blogs related to the reality of life. I'm also an avid NBA fan and basketball blogger.

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