#Whyme screenshots

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We are not going to upload a trailer this time. In fact, the song #WhyMe has not been released yet, because we want to achieve a greater impact through the presentation of the whole audiovisual work at a time. Remember that tutorial-post about video promotion? Well, it was just a strategy type, I will make sequels of it.

However, we collected valuable materials and I would like to show you little bit of how the final work will look like, but without SPOILING. I hate spoilers.

Here you have some screenshots of #WhyMe:

What are these girls looking at?

What is he thinking about?

Those palm trees... where are they?

Weezsims showing some skills

Isn't she cute?


All right, that was enough.


About the author


Artist and Producer. CEO of StelionMusic.
International Business student.
Discovering how cameras work.

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