Women and driving in Afghanistan

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Every day women who get Certificates of completion from driving courses are increasing. But they are still facing resistance from their male-dominated society and are trying to deal with it

Karima Yousuf Zahi a 43 year old woman who is a University professor and says about women and driving: “No matter how many stars I am given by the men I'm Just ignoring them. Afghan female drivers are like a rare bird.”

    Men own the roads of Afghanistan and many of them are willing to continue this way. They say it is not proper for a woman to sit behind the string wheel of a car and this is at variance with their culture

Ms Yousuf Zahi who has been teaching Holey Quran for years does not agree with their views, she mentions that nowhere in Islam has restricted women. She has worn an Islamic veil with sunglasses believe that: “When men say women cannot drive, my answer is in opposite to them\

    After the overthrow of the Taliban government, Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's new president recognized the rights of women in Afghanistan and we witnessed a significant jump in the number of female drivers. But this bad tradition among men have remained and will not be destroyed simply


    For the first time about 10 years ago, only a private institution issued driver's license for Women, But during the first two years of Taliban rule, there were only two female actresses.

Both women worked for a charity institution on the streets and behind the string wheel they had been in full veil, and looked out from behind the burqas.

    Currently, about 20 percent of the institution's students are women. However, few of them are driving after being certified.

About the author


Fariba Rijhan is a young member of media family in Herat Province of Afghanistan. She is graduated of journalism faculty in Herat university of Afghanistan. Now she is working as a professional journalist in worldwide Radio of Zohal as well as a writer for Filmannex. In her opinion, being a…

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