@Womensannex al #Bitcoin Center - alfabetizzazione digitale femminile per il bene comune

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Il 4 agosto, il team della Women's Annex Foundation parteciperà ad una delle notti Satoshi, che si terrà presso il Bitcoin Center di New York.

Lo scopo della serata sarà presentare le recenti attività di WAF, che ha introdotto la valuta digitale Bitcoin come sistema di pagamento per creatori di contenuto da tutto il mondo, a partire da Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egitto e Messico.

The Women's Annex Foundation is a pioneer in using Bitcoin as a payment system in developing countries. For reasons of safety, convenience, and cost, we believe the Digital Currency movement will help elevate the lives of women around the globe.  - See more at: www.womensannexfoundation.org/digital-currency-bitcoin/#sthash.cwakKAz0.dpuf 

WAF è una delle prime società al mondo ad usare i Bitcoin per motivi di sicurezza, costi e tempo, soprattutto nei paesi in via di sviluppo.

Non vediamo l'ora di rivedere tutti i nostri amici al Bitcoin Center, per sostenere insieme la nostra missione per l'emancipazione femminile in tutto il mondo.


The Women's Annex Foundation is a pioneer in using Bitcoin as a payment system in developing countries. For reasons of safety, convenience, and cost, we believe the Digital Currency movement will help elevate the lives of women around the globe.  - See more at: www.womensannexfoundation.org/digital-currency-bitcoin/#sthash.cwakKAz0.dpuf
The Women's Annex Foundation is a pioneer in using Bitcoin as a payment system in developing countries. For reasons of safety, convenience, and cost, we believe the Digital Currency movement will help elevate the lives of women around the globe.  - See more at: www.womensannexfoundation.org/digital-currency-bitcoin/#sthash.cwakKAz0.dpuf


About the author


We are an italian couple, Irene lives in Milan and Antonio in Naples. We are studying foreign languages and that's one of our greatest passions, along with cats and ethnic food. We hope (and work hard!) to bring more and more italian people to Film Annex.

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