A Mile In Our Shoe

Uploaded on Tuesday 29 January 2013


The average age of a young carer in the UK is 12. This is a poignant and moving tribute to those many young carers tending to parents or siblings or both. They manage the domestic needs of a household as well as the physical needs of those they are caring for. They sometimes care for more than one family member with ailments ranging from autism to muscular dystrophy. With a constant lack of understanding from the rest of the world, no wonder there is little time for sleep let alone a social life

L'âge moyen d'un jeune bénévole en Angleterre est de 12ans. Ce film est un poignant hommage à ces bénévoles s'occupant de parents, ou amis entre autre. Prenant soin de leurs besoins physiques et des tâches domestiques, ils s'attachent parfois à plus d'un membre de la famille. Incompris par les autres, il ne s'adaptent pas vraiment socialement restant dévoués à ceux qu'ils aident.


Language: English

Length: 0:27

Country: United Kingdom