Betty Boop's Big Boss

Uploaded on Sunday 17 February 2013


"Girl wanted," says the sign. "Top floor. Female preferred." Betty Boop sees it, but it seems so does the entire female population of the city. The top of the building bulges with applicants, but Betty wins the job from the fat, lecherous boss by sitting in his lap and singing "You'd Be Surprised." The others are dispatched through a trap door. Betty can't type, or do much of anything else, but she sure is cute. The boss chases her around the office, but Betty manages to get to the phone and call the police. The police, the army, the navy and the air force all come to her rescue.


Language: English

Length: 6:28

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Betty Boop's Big Boss by Cartoon Annex is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain 3.0 License.