Bezhin Meadow

Uploaded on Sunday 20 February 2011


Bezhin Meadow (Russian: Бежин луг, Bezhin lug) is a 1937 Soviet film famous for having been suppressed and believed destroyed before its completion. Directed by Sergei Eisenstein, it tells the story of a young farm boy whose father attempts to betray the government for political reasons by sabotaging the year's harvest and the son's efforts to stop his own father to protect the Soviet state, culminating in the boy's murder and a social uprising.The film draws its title from a story by Ivan Turgenev, but is based on the life of Pavlik Morozov, a young Russian boy who became a political martyr following his death in 1932, after he denounced his father to Soviet government authorities and subsequently died at the hands of his family. Pavlik Morozov was immortalized in school programs, poetry, music, and in film.
A Soviet farmer son, who is working at a Kolchos is killed by his father, who wants to burn the fields of the Kolchos to damage the Soviet Society.

Бежин луг — утраченный фильм 1935 года Сергея Михайловича Эйзенштейна.

Сценарий к фильму был написан драматургом, бывшим чекистом Александром Георгиевичем Ржешевским. Сюжетом фильма была коллективизация сельского хозяйства, сочетавшая радужные и трагические краски и опиравшаяся на историю Павлика Морозова.


Language: Russian

Length: 29:59

Country: Russian Federation

Creative Commons License

Bezhin Meadow by Russian Films TV is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain 3.0 License.