Cake Story

Uploaded on Tuesday 21 February 2012


"Cake Story" is one of the movies in the Official Selection of ÉCU 2012. 1997. New Year's Eve. A man braves the cold winter night in order to bring a friend of his a cake as a gift. The cake never makes it to the receiver because it ends up in front of the door of a poor gypsy family.

"Cake Story" est un film de la séléction officielle 2012 à l'ÉCU. 1997. C'est la Saint-Sylvestre. Une nuit d'hiver, un homme brave le froid afin d'apporter un cadeau à un ami: un gâteau. Ce gâteau n'arrivera jamais à destination car celui-ci se retrouve devant la porte d'une pauvre famille de gitan.


Language: Bulgarian

Length: 0:52

Country: Bulgaria