52 Films by Women Vol 2. 15. Le Ultime Cose (Pawn Streets) (Director: Irene Dionisio)

Pictured: Stefano (Fabrizio Falco) examines jewellery in Irene Dionisio's 'Le Ultime Cose' (2016).- courtesy of Cinecitta Luce……
Pictured: Stefano (Fabrizio Falco) examines jewellery in Irene Dionisio's 'Le Ultime Cose' (2016).- courtesy of Cinecitta Luce……
The job growth (around 114K) was not as great as was the drop in the unemployment rate (from 8.1% to 7.8%) released this morning (October……
Since the end of the GOP and Democratic Party Conventions, the US Dollar has fallen dramatically with respect to major currencies,……
Take part in this Monday (September 24, 2012) meeting Special Ministerial Meeting at the United Nations via social media with the……
Religion and culture does play an integral role in the work of the United Nations, but a benediction or blessing as seen in the US……
Perhaps it is mere coincidence, but as the wealth gap has grown in the US and middle class real income has lagged, the overall US……
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German policy……
"Monkey-Business with Statistics?-The stock-market has just recorded best 4 year rise even if it is more difficult for average citizens……
Austerity as Morality Lesson? Problem is not that there are now too few Eurozone programs in support of credit stressed member……
To prevent a crisis that could equal or even exceed the 2007-2008 world food crisis, both immediate and longer-term concerns……
Jobless rates among young people will get even worse globally as the spill-over of the euro crisis spreads from advanced to emerging……
After a year of relative stability, global food prices soared by 10% in July from a month ago, with maize and soybean reaching……
Broad challenges to global economic health are rising gradually perhaps not yet fully recognized as they seem to be still far……
According to the IMF’s just released report on global economic health, the prospects for growth have been substantively reduced……
“Without a prompt policy turn – to address the crisis and to regain the trust and support of workers and enterprises –……
Just as a new day may be dawning, the Eurozone appears to be reliving the previous one. This week will mark something like the 20th……
Debating solutions for Europe’s debt woes in Mexico evidences a bit how the world is turning upside down. That Mexico……
Greece has now pulled off two surprises: victory over Russia into next round of Euro2012 and election results that favor pro-austerity/bailout……
Does Spain’s continued fall into economic malaise reflect what US may have looked without stimulus and with more fiscal austerity?……
Austerity is killing European and global economic health? UN sees the Eurozone financial crisis as biggest global economic……
Double-dip recession? Europe has been only the most notable, but from China to the US, the economy and job creation is losing……
Christine Lagarde’s record is not particularly better than her choice of words. The IMF Managing Director made a point of minimizing……
Carla Bruni is alone back home with her guitar and ex-President husband. Carla Bruni at Camp David to sing love songs around……
Germany’s Angela Merkel and the advocates of austerity have more to worry about even than Greece if the latter unzips from the……
The news only seems to get worse for the Eurozone. The ECB (European Central Bank) Chief Mario Draghi just indicated that the……
Austerity is also making the deficit worse rather than helping - that is the message of the UN's ILO (International Labor Organization)……