Meditation And Celebration

The Inner Dimension is the basis of all spiritual work, and the teaching of it is always divided into two parts: meditation and celebration.……
The Inner Dimension is the basis of all spiritual work, and the teaching of it is always divided into two parts: meditation and celebration.……
We are a Global Network of Open, Beyond Sustainable, Co-governed Communities, New Paradigm Nonprofits, Cooperative Businesses, Sovereign……
I love "Wicked" the musical, so I was very happy to hear that it's finally getting its own big screen treatment! Composer Stephen……
Okay, to start off with, I just want to say that this film was not only as good as the original, but it blew the original out of the……
The Awakening short film as only an exercise has had a really good reception from viewers. I want to thank you all for your feedback……
Check out Mauricio Vargas' The Awakening here! Read more movie news or watch the best movies on Maumau Web TV's 12 Channels!……
Mauricio Vargas' short film The Awakening is coming soon exclusively on Maumau Web TV. You can learn more about it in the following……
Take a look at a behind the scenes short documentary of Mauricio Vargas's The Awakening, soon to be released here on Film Annex!Click……
After the premiere of the teaser trailer today, new images are now online from Mauricio Vargas' upcoming short film The Awakening. ……
Yesterday the poster for The Awakening came online and now you can watch the teaser trailer on the new Maumau Web TV Exclusives Channel……