Under Burqa

Editor’s note: The chader namaz is a large prayer scarf that covers the entire body. The burqa is not required under……
Editor’s note: The chader namaz is a large prayer scarf that covers the entire body. The burqa is not required under……
Searching in Internet for different kinds of clothes with different colors, many pictures of famous models and artists which wear……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
Women in Afghanistan increasingly worry the withdrawal of international combat forces will deteriorate the progress of women’s……
"It's dangerous," wrote one young Afghan girl on his Face book wall. "The next thing they'll be saying is that Afghanistan needs to……
As days passed by, I kept seeing the same woman, sitting in the same place, doing what she always did. The woman wore an old……
The Islamic people face a great deal of “ethnic profiling” and outright racism in certain countries. The one that……
Article by Nikki Shaver Photo Courtesy: Ricymar Photography. The thought of parading the female form in Afghanistan is still……