How to Communicate with your Cat

“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you……
“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you……
Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality - the qualities……
This Saturday, I had asked my husband James if we could visit a cafe specifically the Cat Cafe PH in SM Seaside because I want to……
(ESP) Los Gatos, esos animalitos tan curiosos y lindos, que a muchos les gustan y son la alegría de internet.(ENG) The……
This horrific image make us wonder why these cats have to suffer. What do you think we should do in order to save these cats that……
I love cats very much. I give them food and play with them . My in- laws and my husband also love cats. I have 6- 7 cats at home and……
Photo Credit: Myself Hello, guys! It's not that I don't want to write blogs and share my thoughts with you...……
BIG CATS pictures……
Hey dear friends, how are you today? I hope everyone is wonderful! This time I decided to write a blog about pets and how to choose……
‘I don’t take sides. I take the kitty litter out.’ This might be a line you would expect to hear in ‘A Street……
i love cats i also love dogs dogs are cute and also cats are cute too i love both dogs and cats
"The Rivalry" You've always heard about the rivalry of dogs and cats, and always you see these two animals do not want each other’s.……
I can't think of the last time I did a Bitlanders Survey Chat. My mind tells me it is the "Sports and Social Good" topic, which happened……
Cats are my favorite pets. They look so innocent and gentle, and can keep a high level of hygiene. Whenever I travel I always……
Grumpy Cat became a sensation on the Internet since his picture was posted on Reddit on 22 September 2012. Many thought that the photo……
Time spent with cats is never wasted. Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature……
“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.”……
Cats and Dogs Dream while Sleeping I was surprised to learn that cats and dogs (actually all mammals) dream while sleeping.……
Cutie cat cafe is a first cat cafe in Indonesia. Located in Kemang Street, –known as culinary and entertainment centre in South……
Bengal Cats ……
Abyssinian Cat History: Although several believe the Abyssinian to be direct descendent of the sacred cat……
Scottish Fold Cat. Scottish Fold.. Feline Breed ……
Have you ever wonder why your cat’s doing something unusual? Below are 10 reasons for that. 1- Cat's tiger……
In the late years, there has been a developing interest connected with acupuncture treatment for pets. A key element in Traditional……
I've never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call,……
A couple were going out for the evening. They'd got ready, all dolled up, cat put out, etc. The taxi arrives and as the couple……
What a nice video. I really love cats this time.
I'm starting to like videos featuring babies, dogs and cats.
I woke up this morning never knew that there'll be some nasty thing that's going to happen. I was about to eat my breakfast. When……
It's just few cute cats, that i find in internet space. Enjoy and leave a comment
George is a cat who just really likes to stand on two legs. Redditor Egzo shared a photo of his pet on Wednesday to the Aww subreddit,……
It seems that the age-old saying "fighting like cats and dogs" has been dispelled by a pair of adorable little friends at an……
This photo was taken April 19th — 10 days old! All the kittens were housed neatly in a spacious box of old papers and stuff.……
The photo above was taken when the kittens are 5 days old. As per my observation, the stray mom cat gave birth to 4 cute little kittens……
Well it seems that this is Microsoft's attempt at humour. It is funny, I will give them that but not that funny. :P Link was taken……
We have a cat before which I really love, it got pregnant with some random cats from the neighborhood since that cat was just a local……
Ang Galing ng pusa ohh.. :)
Things that Cats Hate CAR RIDES Just like humans, cats are creatures of habit. They like to have their territory and their……
Tongky, kala itu kau ditendang kesana kemari,aku dan ibu iba melihatmu yang hanya mecari secuil daging tapi diperlakukan seperti pencuri.……
Cats Are Jiu Jitsu Masters! If you think that Brazillians and Japanese are the ones who invent the jiu jitsu, you're wrong! Our pet……
And Lastly Hope you enjoyed the pics. Have a good Day! :)
Today i was bored at home. Do you know why i fell bored? yeah this is all because i was alone at home. I don't know what to do. Want……
Cats one of my pet and only one animal which I love to have. I love cats that are reality. I have a lot of information to share with……
Cat :- A cat is a pet which human do like more ...... Mostly cats are friendly ..... And a normal human can not stops……
AMAZING FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS A Domestic Cat sleeps for up to 14 hours a day. The Snow Leopard protects itself from extreme cold by……
Despite what you would think, living with a cat is not always a simple thing. There are multiple aspects to be considered before taking……
After almost 300 translations on the Film Annex Platform, we felt it was the right time to show you all who lies behind the name 'Nadea'.……
So, here it is guys! A very personal film about the animal I love the most - cats! I'm incredibly happy with the result……
Late last year I discovered an iPad app developed by the National Film Board of Canada called McLaren's Workshop. The NFB has……
Like most of us, I always wonder where the previous year went when New Year's eve approaches. With 2014 upon us, I always like……
On christmas day it marked my 1 year anniversary of when I got my Canon 650D. Since then I've collected lenses, tubes, ND filters,……
It's been a while, Film Annex! Since my last post I've been on numerous shoots, edited my film and completed a report - it was such……
Il Blood in the Snow Festival (affettuosamente chiamato BITS dalle tante persone che lo seguono) è un festival cinematografico……
Larking about at Blood In the Snow with one of our favorite actors, Robert Nolan, who is muttering vaguely obscene remarks……
My lack of posting recently is due to good reason: I've got a new job (extra money for making films) and I've been crazy busy with……
Last week, I found out I could not do my original film idea due to unforeseen logistical reasons. I was devastated - I only had one……
That purring feline on your side has more to it than meets the eye. Many of us own these furry little cuddlers and forget that……
Since I was 18, every summer I’ve worked on at least one shoot. Now, for 3 years this was in Devon which although is a county……
I know I'm not in the film/TV industry yet, but I've already been on shoots with bearded dragons, dogs, turtles, woodlice and more.……
The world of artificial intelligence is truly mind-boggling, especially at the rate it is going and the direction it is taking as……
What have you watched recently? I for one absolutely love my Netflix account, especially during those weekend nights when you’re……
Animals are such an important part of our lives -- as is the protection and care of them whether in the wild, as neighbors, or in……
Star of "Cats" and "Phantom of the Opera" and global recording artist has today (February 6, 2012) been named by UNESCO (United Nations……