Underwater Secret World of Ancient Civilizations

Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Khan Do you know that our lakes, seas and oceans are full of secrets? Yeah it is explored by researchers……
Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Khan Do you know that our lakes, seas and oceans are full of secrets? Yeah it is explored by researchers……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher Bitcoin and……
submitted by jwithrow. Click here to get the Journal of a Wayward Philosopher by Email Journal of a Wayward Philosopher Transitioning……
Some of the Great achievements of Pakistan throughout 2015 ……
Canal - The Water Road (image source: google.com) Some of the world's finest roads are made of water. Can you guess……
The Greeks: Crucible of CivilizationIt was perhaps the most spectacular flourishing of imagination and achievement in recorded history.……
“Archaeology will always engage people because it’s putting a puzzle together,” says Shahina Farid of University……
Many people have high expectations of human society. They expect everything to work……
1. The Printing Press Library of Congress Prior to the rise of the Internet, no innovation did more for the spread and democratization……
KHMER EMPIRE:Water is the life stream of all civilisations, and the Khmer Empire completely embraced it and used it to its advantage.……
Terrorism ranges from hijacking to conflict and war among the nations. The mastans who collect tolls by force, grab land……
Terrorism has been the burning problem of the present world. Terrorism is, in fact, the violent……
Roman civilization was the practical skill with which it United people of widely varying language , custom and religions into a political……
BC and AD Dates in history usually……
Punjab is a historical province. We can trace its history as far back as the Indus valley Civilization. The builders of this civilization……
Tigris and Euphrates are often called Twin Rivers. The oldest civilization of human history was started here in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia……
The Greeks, however, according to Russell, were politically incompetent, and their contribution to civilization would……
In the essay, Russell has described the salient features of Western civilization. He begins the essay in usual analytical manner.……
Every thing in this world has its own merits and demerits. Nothing is perfect in this world. Perfection lies on the in God. So town……
In this era the liquor, the cup, even Jam is different the cup‐bringer started different ways of beauty and domination The Muslim……
Social Reform in Pakistan No country or institution is perfect. There is always some scope for improvement in every sphere of life.……
INDIA, the country with different cast , creed ,colors ,the vivid country ,really incredible India but the question comes the reason……
The truth of dictum “ a healthy body possesses a sound mind cannot be denied. It is time tested rule which has established itself……
It is a million dollar question what is the place of women in society? This is the modern problem that arises from the partial adoption……
There lies a great similarity between the culture and civilization of the inhabitants of the Ganga Jumna river system and those……
Pakistan got its independence from the colonial rule on 14th August, 1947 as a sovereign state. The establishment of Pakistan……
13-Faculty of Agriculture : In 1889 , the faculty of agriculture was established in its current location but it was called Giza palace .……
TAXILA MUSEUM PAKISTAN Taxila is located at Punjab in Pakistan. Taxila is the most ancient city in which ancient Places……
For centuries Ghazni has been a centre of culture, trade and politics in the region comprising today’s Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan……
Electricity is expressed by the amount of charge flow through a particular area unit time.It is a energy that flow in the wires and……
Since time immemorial natural stones have always been there. In fact, they have been naturally constructed from the same gases that……
Pakistan is richly endowad with many archaeological treasure. The best Known is that of Taxila situated about 30 miles North-West……
Ever since the dawn of human life on this plant ,Man has always tried to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of……
India is the world’s largest democratic country of the world, it is said that it has the one of the oldest civilization of the……
Man is living in this world from thousands of years. He constructs buildings for living and other uses. He makes homes, villages,……
Rome is a very close neighbor of Greece, the habits and custom of whom are also more or less similar to those of Greek. We……
As we all know it today, money has it's own history of evolution. It is the result of a long process. At the beginning the word……
Hello, everyone! Today I would like to say special THANKS to my brother Fred Kurzh (FAMusicTV) and Thomas Courtney (Models Web TV)……
One of the pillars of a country and people is their culture and civilization; this is the culture; that the people of two countries……