Coal is a blackish, complex mixture of compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It also consist small amounts of nitrogen and sulphur……
Oil, natural gas and coal are called fossil fuels as they are derived from the remains of the living things, such as dead animals……
Minerals and natural resources are very important for development of a country .Muslim countries has large numbers natural……
Coal is either mined or dug out from coal mines. It is mainly composed of an element, i.e. carbon. Depending……
Atomic energy With the beginning of twentieth century the new concept about mass and energy was given by Albert Einstein , he gave……
In second part of generation plants ,we study about HYDRO POWER PLANT. ……
GENERATING STATION:- In our first part we study generation and sources of electricity. Next i tell about you generating stations. ……
Generation Of Electrical Energy The nature have many given source of energy. In earlier days people are able to use sun light and fire as our own purpose. As the days passes human ……
ENERGY RESOURCES Coal, Oil and Natural Gas are the most important remnant fuels. They give out 88% of the world’s yearly energy.……
GLOBAL WARMING The phrase “ Global Warming “ is on the lips of numerous people these days. It raises several questions.……
MINERALS There are big dump of minerals originate in Pakistan. These minerals are very significant for industries, as in this current……
Energy is a huge need for each country hyju is an important factor in the development of the country . Energy cause a major problem,……
Research has shown that Afghanistan has 1400 mineral types, most economically valuable minerals are noticeable:……
Summary Miners were digging for coal and then there was a gas detected. The director of safety reported unsafe situation to the mine……
“Exploration” one of the most important word, means to discover information or resources. This word have been very important after……
Resources and factors given by the Almighty Allah are helpful in production of wealth and provision facilities of life are called……
According to the recent researches, Afghanistan owns one thousand four hundred different kinds of minerals that are high-value from……
Atom is the smallest unit of an element. It is a system composed of a charged nucleus and a number of electrons. The electrons travel……
We've been creating animated shorts for Greenpeace for more than a year now. Looking back we think they're getting better with each……
The peoples of Pakistan are compelled to think that in last sixteen (16) years when the leaders in Government are selected they give……
The Northern portion of China is experiencing a significant amount of health risks due to a coal policy that seems more……