Digital Education

This current period of time is no doubt the era of technology where getting information about anything is just a click away. It is……
This current period of time is no doubt the era of technology where getting information about anything is just a click away. It is……
I started to make these videos when I came to know that there are many people in Pakistan who do not know how to write, read, understand……
I am regular user of bitlanders and I am a student of B.S Chemistry. While using bitlanders I have read different blogs regarding……
Education aims at full and harmonious development of all the faculties of man. A person is like a rough diamond that needs cutting……
Computers combine knowledge with pleasure. Play is a naturally method of learning about something. Most of the computers programs……
The person who is under learning stage is known as student. Students are of many types. These are following: Students with IQ above……
Now a day’s fashion are becoming popular among the students./ Fashion means something new in the matter of life. It is the nature……
Now A days The Study Is The Basic Part Of A Life.Without Study We Are Nothing. As The We Which Nation Is Good And Perfect And Advance……
Today I will describe about the main and important things, which are very necessary in an ideal college. Yesterday I discuss……
A hamlet is a small town located in a nation zone. It consists of a few small huts and mud houses. These houses are built all over……
God made the country and man made the town. A city is an outcome of man's struggle for better living. the life in a city provide all……
The computers coming in the largest shape today are the mainframe computers; they are expensive one. They have huge storing capacities……
Our Province Punjab is consists on the 2 parts like there are many people are living in the big cities while many people prefer to……
It has been a valid reality that no one in the world had done extraordinary work independently.All those who have done memorable research……
Knowledge and awareness produce sense, wisdom and mankind in every human being and make him polite and civilized. In old age people……
Outline and summary of subjects to be enclosed in an schooling or preparation course is called……
Co-education means the gaining of knowledge of both boys and girls in same school under the same roof. It means imparting the same……
Students all over the world are becoming more fashion conscious. This condition will be increase day by day. The young students, both……
(Myself at a recent screening at Grossmont College speaking with students in San Diego - photo courtesy of Pat Palma) I've……
It is fact that, School life is best period for a human where he starts his basics of the education and other good manners. He learns……
Few days back I write about book as consider the book as knowledge archive. Today I am going to write about the place where the books……
WHAT IS INTERNET..? Internet is the largest computer network in the world. It is often simply called Net or Cyberspace. Nowadays,……
The word dust is used for the dirty thing those thing which have no use and these are harmful for the human body and there environment……
Definition: "Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality……
There are many colleges and universities in the Pakistan. but unfortunately preference all ways given to the higher universities……
As Pakistan's national dress, shalwar kameez, the national game is hockey. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. ……
Technical education may be defined as the practical application of general principles and methods of scientific studies to the teaching……
Today I am going to write article on the special personality which I like most. The reason is that why I like him, he is the very……
This is very important topic that the age of school and colleges,there passing time and the fun.When we are a child i have a great……
Pakistan is basically an agricultural land and 70-80% of its population is composed of rural area or the countryside. Villages and……
Today we talk about the educational problems that are occur in our society and our students should not get perfect education. And……
Games play very important role to keep us healthy and fit, other than fresh food and pure water. They give us physically fitness and……
In recent years, Afghanistan has been a difficult place for women to participate in civic matters.Afghan society is male dominated……
There are lots of up and down in the history of Pakistan. This game was brought into Pakistan by British rule. When hockey came in……
A Good Friend is blessing of God. Without good Friend life is so boring because these friends can make your life happy. We should……
If You Don’t Mind: This article may be tension creating for “Lovers and Beloveds”. This can lead to writer’s……
Everybody I want to talk about financial education. Now I understand most people are adverse to discussing or even thinking about……
It seems like Colleges and Universities that offer Women’s Wrestling are springing up everywhere across the United States. ……
Education in its basic definition is a form of learning of Knowledge, Skills and habits, is the most important part of the Human Race.……
Students and politics have a great relation between them.Some people think that this relation is good but think bad of it.What is……