More Dialogue or Lip Service at UN General Assembly?

Bill Clinton received the most applause of any leader during his speech at the UN General Assembly – that was right after……
Bill Clinton received the most applause of any leader during his speech at the UN General Assembly – that was right after……
A “Press Statement” representing the consensus of all 15 members, the UNSC “urge(d) Libyan authorities at……
The UN Security Council will receive an update from ICC Prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo. Libya’s cooperation with the ICC is……
Not so Gentlemen's Club of Despotic Dictators - The Assad regime, Colonel Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were all antipathetic toward……
Both Gaddafi regime loyalists and its various militia opponents have been accused of grave violations of international humanitarian……
Santorum was rooting for the "Descendants" because he though it was an anti-contraceptive film! While Rick Santorum wondered why the……