Care Package for Homeless

Let's prepare a care package for the homeless. @aokidoki
Let's prepare a care package for the homeless. @aokidoki
Today, I am in a good mood because I fave followed all my subscribers. I subscribed back and left a couple of shares to their profiles.……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
2014年4月7-8号,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金会将共同参与在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
2014年4月7-8號,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金會將共同參與在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
On April 7-8 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City Film Annex and Women's Annex will be at booth #404 at the "Inside Bitcoin……
Che cos'è una comunità? In genere ci si riferisce a un gruppo di persone o a una società; la prima cosa che ci……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes…… è ora pienamente operativo e totalmente separato dal suo fratello maggiore . Desideriamo…… is now a fully functional and a separate website from big brother We really want to grow this community……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
I am a board member of the Women's Annex Foundation and I have made Women's Digital Literacy, Sustainability and Community Building……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……