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Spiderman says: “With power comes responsibility.” After nearly 10 years of being successful in Online Film Distribution,……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
Amina Fedawi è nata il 27 Novembre 1855 a Kabul, in Afghanistan. Era una donna molto buona e intelligente, una poetessa che……
Amina Fedawi was born on 27 November 1855 in Kabul, Afghanistan she was a very good and an Intelligent Woman she was a Poet and she……
L'Afghan Development Project viene portato avanti, a partire dal 2011, dal nostro team composto da Afghan Citadel Software e Film……
Roya Mahboob and Craig Newmark in California Wondering how the Women’s Annex Foundation is able to……
شركة برمجيات افغان سيتادل هي شركة بملكية المراة و هي تعمل في مختلف المجالات……
Afghan Citadel Software Company کے ملکان خواتین ہےـ یہ کمپنی سافٹ ویئربنانے، آئی……
The Afghan Citadel Software Company is a women-owned company which works mostly in software development, networking, IT services and……