Life in a Metropolitan City: A student perspective

It really is a great fortune for having a settled residency already from the very first day, life as we know it, has been very challenging……
It really is a great fortune for having a settled residency already from the very first day, life as we know it, has been very challenging……
A friend has said very well, 'Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about unbecoming everything……
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: “There is some kind of shadow upon my heart, so I ask Allah for forgiveness one hundred……
Being a fan of semiotics and having learnt from many opinionated regarding the pros and cons of stereotypes, my travel experience……
In una mia recente intervista con Annex Press tenutasi al quartier generale di Film Annex (New York City) ho……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
In the last year and a half, Women's Annex and Film Annex opened 10 Internet classrooms and two Women's Annex Centers, in Herat……
Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning summarize the capacity to navigate platforms like the World Wide Web, create content……