Sharks & Turtles to Elephants & Big Cats to Get New Protections

Elephants, polar bears, sharks and manta rays to medicinal plants and rare trees are among several species that will receive additional……
Elephants, polar bears, sharks and manta rays to medicinal plants and rare trees are among several species that will receive additional……
Environmentally friendly economic opportunities is not part of the job description of over 120,000 persons serving globally,……
“The story of the Montreal Protocol highlights the benefits of pursuing an inclusive green economy. With the global phase-out……
“The gains that chemicals can provide must not come at the expense of human health and the environment. Pollution and disease……
Germany, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, Republic of Korea, and Switzerland are vying to host the Green Climate Fund (GCF) which was created……
“Remarkably undamaged” is the description of the nuclear plant closest to the epicentre of the March 2011 earthquake/tsunami……
“What we need is to create new momentum for ocean sustainability. The Oceans Compact sets out a strategic vision for the UN……
Environmental action inspired/galvanized by Australia, Bangladesh, Colombia, India, and Kenya based projects have gained recognition/awards……
An initiative targeting the forests of Africa’s Congo Basin, which consist of some 200 million hectares and are one of……
The last year has been the worst in more than a decade for poaching of elephants and rhinos. Much of the demand is driven by……
UNESCO added 20 new sites of biosphere reserves and extended several others last week. Biosphere Reserves were inscribed in……
Rwanda and Uganda have been accused of supporting/instigating a renegade arm of Congo’s (DRC) military and former rebel group……
Tatanka Ska is Sioux term for the white buffalo that portends a special event, perhaps a cosmic opportunity according to Native Americans.……
Led by the notorious elephant poacher known as Morgan, the attackers killed 7 persons (and several of the Reserve animals), torched……
“The speeches are over. Now the work begins. Rio+20 has affirmed fundamental principles – renewed essential commitments……
Civil society representatives and just ordinary global citizens are gathering in Rio at parallel set of conferences to complement……
The final outcome documents is already concluded even though Rio+20 starts officially just today (June 20, 2012) – that……
Efficient use of energy, water and other resources, lowering pollution levels and reducing infrastructure costs in cities are part……
CITES is the UN affiliated organization that seeks to ensure that international trade in wildlife does not endanger the survival……
“We must do more for our world’s oceans, which are threatened by pollution, depleted fishery resources, the impacts of……
Only 4 of the 90 most important environmental goals/agreements are being fulfilled according to the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5),……
World Environment Day comes at a unique moment this year in advance of the Rio+20 Conference scheduled to start in 2 weeks.……
Mongolia’s President, Tsakhia Elbegdorj; Brazilian banker Fábio C. Barbosa; renewable energy entrepreneur Dr. Sultan……
Denigrated by some as “foods of the poor” or “forgotten foods,” indigenous and traditional foods can play……
The spike in poaching of elephants for their tusks and other endangered/protected species has become part of an organized criminal……
“This new initiative is the latest development in UNEP’s ongoing efforts to support South-South cooperation and capacity-building.……
“Yet, despite its importance, marine biodiversity… has not fared well at human hands. Oceans cover almost three-quarters……
You can now contribute your vision in pictures of the “Future We Want” in advance of the Rio+20 Conference. In……
“Birding plays a significant and growing part in the tourism industry, and creates direct and indirect economic benefits……
“The world's common future will be hugely affected by the choices that are made in Asia and the Pacific on a low carbon growth……
Sustainable water reforms are having a positive impact on countries’ development, according to the results of a UNEP survey.……
Environmentalist has become one of the most dangerous job titles around the globe. Rapid development and the hunger for commodities……
Approximately 85 per cent of the world’s fish stocks are overexploited, depleted, or recovering from depletion; and the world……
Sustainable development, increasing demand upon our natural resources and the upcoming Rio+20 Conference were the focus of……
Our environment is part of our human right, for our health and the future of our planet. Defenders of our planet and environment……
“Addressing climate change implies completely transforming our way of life, the way we work, the way we travel, shifting……
The United Nations turned off the lights for one hour at its Headquarters in New York ending another March 31, 2012 observance……
UNDP has catalyzed formation of a global platform”to unite local actors to solve water and sanitation challenges, including encouraging……
Electronic waste is expected to grow exponentially, particularly in developing countries, yet only 13 per cent of electronic waste……
Conservation & Exploitation of Sharks as Resource is Short for the Official - “Review the Application and Effectiveness of International……
From new energy exploration to rapidly expanded shipping and ports for mined minerals, UNESCO is warning/evaluating greater risks……
Competition with the goal of uncovering sustainable approaches to information and communication technology (ICT) kicked off February……
Coordinated, well armed poachers acting in mass-450 elephants in Bouba Ndjida National Park in northern Cameroon were recently killed,……
“In celebrating WED in Brazil in 2012, we are returning to the roots of contemporary sustainable development in order to forge a……
Kenya’s current & former (and perhaps future) world champions joined hundreds on the roads of Nairobi, Kenya, on February 19, 2012……
Up to 33 million people living in poverty in Africa & Asia will gain access to low-cost solar energy by 2016. The solar energy provider,……
One out of every five Europeans dies from environmentally-related diseases, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) warned today,……
UN backed conference to encourage access to markets for organic products began today with delegates and experts gathered to examine……
UN Environment Program (UNEP) has just published its “2012-Emerging Issues in our Global Environment.” Nuclear power plant decommissioning……
UN’s WMO forecast current cold spell in Europe will start “easing slowly from next week.” However, climate change may be the……
Small island states most affected by climate change and rising oceans are leading effort before International Court of Justice for……